Seminar to mark the 30th anniversary of the formation of VONS

A seminar on the history of the Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Persecuted was held on April 22, 2008, in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

Invite (in Czech)
Programme (in Czech)

A seminar on the history of VONS, August 22, 2008 A seminar on the history of VONS, August 22, 2008 A seminar on the history of VONS, August 22, 2008 Anna Šabatová


Anniversary of the Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Persecuted (Výročí Výboru na obranu nespravedlivě stíhaných, Czech Television, Evening News, April 22, 2008) (in Czech)
František Novák - Tři výtržníci (The Three Troublemakers, In:, April 22, 2008) (in Czech)
Petr Uhl - Třicet let od odvážného kroku (Thirty Years Since a Brave Step was Taken, In: Právo, August 24, 2008) (in Czech)
Petruška Šustrová - Příběh VONS (The Story of VONS, In: Lidové noviny, 25. duben 2008) (in Czech)
Jaroslav Formánek - Nejste v tom sami (You Are Not Alone, In: Respekt, No. 18, April 26, 2008) (in Czech)
Antonín Kostlán - Sledovat případy policejní a justiční svévole... (Following cases of police and judicial tyranny..., April 27, 2008) (in Czech)
Olga Bezděková - Výročí VONS (VONS Anniversary, In: Český dialog, Vol. 18, No. 5-6, 2008) (in Czech)